Bonnier Magazines & Brands

Bonnier Magazines & Brands x Omniarch
Bonnier Magazines & Brands x Omniarch

Our Mission

  • Focus Areas

    Consultation, business development, strategy.

  • Our Role

    Digital Advisor.

When Bonnier Magazines & Brands approached Omniarch to review their e-commerce operations, they were facing uncertainty about the direction to take. Omniarch provided professional guidance to clarify their path forward.

As digital advisor, our scope included consultation and analysis of one of Bonnier Magazines & Brands‘ e-commerce initiatives, where the task was to provide strategic guidance on the way forward. The assignment consisted of three parts: analysis, strategy, and action plan. Thanks to Omniarch’s breadth of expertise, we were able to quickly identify bottlenecks within e-commerce, procurement, logistics, and marketing.

"I had the privilege of working with Omniarch when we at Bonnier Magazines & Brands needed to review our e-commerce and where it was unclear which direction we should choose going forward we received professional guidance. There were many parts that were not working optimally, and we needed help with analysis, strategy, and action plan. Omniarch proved to be strategically sharp with deep insight into the details that make an e-commerce thrive, ranging from technical setup to how to organize and optimize marketing and ROI. In addition, Omniarch provided a truly solution-oriented, fast, positive and encouraging attitude - something I highly value in change processes."

Anders Juhlin

CDO Bonnier Magazines & Brands

More cases:


Keesing x Omniarch
The assignment was initially divided with a major focus on UX design and the launch of the new, as well as an interim assignment as e-commerce manager. We also worked with several growth projects including website enhancements, marketing, B2B, and CRM.View case

Petites Mains Creative Fashion

Petites Mains Creative Fashion x Omniarch
Business development and hands-on operational efforts in the daily tasks of marketing and evaluation.View case

Ready to grow?
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We are passionate about understanding, addressing, and helping you with your digital challenges. Leverage our proven strategies to elevate your growth to new heights. Do you want to be part of our success journey? Schedule a meeting, and we'll tell you more!

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