Office Depot

Office Depot x Omniarch
Office Depot x Omniarch

Our Mission

  • Focus Areas

    E-commerce strategy, conversion optimization, and digital marketing.

  • Our Roles

    E-commerce strategist, CRO specialist.

Examination of the digital customer journey from search results and ads to website, assortment, campaigns, delivery, and customer service. Delivery in workshop format consisting of around 50 action points with prioritization and key activities.

Key Aspects

  • Understanding of the business:

    A significant portion of Office Depot's e-commerce is driven by B2B sales with all the complexity it entails in terms of pricing structures and customer-specific assortment management. In our work, we started from these conditions and highlighted the improvement areas and opportunities that could be addressed without changing the fundamental business logic.

  • Open communication:

    In direct dialogue with the client's competent team, ideas could be quickly validated and prioritized. The client's strategy and detailed knowledge were thus effectively complemented by Omniarch's independent expert perspective "outside - in".

  • Customer perspective:

    Using ghost shopping as a method, we gain the right focus in the change process. Everything starts and ends with the customer.

"Thanks Omniarch. Many good insights from a customer perspective to act on. Well done!"

Henrik Björkqvist

Ecommerce Director, Office Depot

More cases:


Keesing x Omniarch
The assignment was initially divided with a major focus on UX design and the launch of the new, as well as an interim assignment as e-commerce manager. We also worked with several growth projects including website enhancements, marketing, B2B, and CRM.View case

The Tea Centre of Stockholm

The Tea Centre of Stockholm x Omniarch
Leading and planning onsite development and digital platforms together with The Tea Centre and developers. View case

Ready to grow?
We're here to help!

We are passionate about understanding, addressing, and helping you with your digital challenges. Leverage our proven strategies to elevate your growth to new heights. Do you want to be part of our success journey? Schedule a meeting, and we'll tell you more!

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