Skistar & EQPE

EQPE x Omniarch
EQPE x Omniarch

Our Mission

  • Focus Areas

    Digital Assessment, Business Development, Platform Evaluation, Project Management, Requirements Specification, Sales Responsibility, KPI Framework, Profitability Calculations, Digital Marketing, SEO, Returns.

  • Our Roles

    Project Manager, Sales Manager.

Omniarch and EQPE have long collaborated on the growth of the digital retail business, with a strong focus on strategy and hands-on action implementation.

In the summer of 2022, SkiStar and Omniarch initiated a partnership focused on the business development of and their own brand EQPE. A Digital Assessment (DA) was conducted in a short time, leading to a platform evaluation and the subsequent implementation of a new e-commerce platform for EQPE, Additionally, improvements to the purchase flow on were made, resulting in higher conversion rates and increased sales.

A key success factor has been the launch of EQPE’s e-commerce, where Omniarch played an active role—from initial planning to international expansion. The results have been clear. EQPE has developed according to plan and beyond.

Key Aspects

  • Global Ambitions from the Start:

    The project team for EQPE's new e-commerce had a clear ambition from the outset to expand into multiple new markets. Therefore, the January 2023 launch included Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands, and Italy.

  • From Idea to Realization in a Short Time:

    For EQPE's new e-commerce, we analyzed the prerequisites and chose to build a platform using Centra as the foundation, Voyado Elevate for search and merchandising, Turnr for returns management, and Testfreaks for reviews. We also integrated the new platform with the existing WMS system, Ongoing. Our work involved project management and requirements specification with the web agency (Made People) and other suppliers.

  • Strengthened Trust and Expanded Responsibility:

    In May 2023, we took over sales responsibility for with the goal of increasing sales without discounts. We conducted profitability calculations for each market, increased our local focus in Germany and Austria, and optimized marketing channels. We also invested in SEO to increase organic traffic and reduce customer acquisition cost (CAC).

  • Technical Development for Enhanced UX:

    Throughout 2023, we continued to develop the site technically to improve the customer experience. We introduced a customer-adapted KPI framework for data- and profitability-based decisions, particularly when the return rate was high in Europe.

"EQPE has developed according to plan and beyond in 2023. Allowing the sub-brand spin-off idea to grow into reality and enabling it with a multi-competent company like Omniarch has proven to be a sound business decision. Today (Q4, 2023), SkiStar is well on its way to achieving the high growth targets for, and both Germany and Austria have now surpassed the home market of Sweden in revenue."

Anders Aspgård

GM EQPE/Head of SkiStarshop, Skistar AB

More cases:

MQ Marqet

Omniarch x MQ Marqet
Our mission is to strengthen MQ Marqet’s digital presence and assist them on their growth journey. This is achieved by leading and taking full operational and strategic charge of the e-commerce department.View case

Nordiska Kompaniet

Nordiska Kompaniet x Omniarch
Omniarch led and developed parts of the organization for and managed the transition to a goal-oriented and conversion-optimized approach to digital marketing. View case

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